Before you vote

(my bulletin board at work from when I voted in the 2012 election, 
you can see the tiny "I voted" sticker)

Early voting has started. And for reasons that I do not understand, it is still a tight race. It shouldn't be. It is clear who is the most qualified for the job. Quite frankly, Kamala Harris is over qualified for the job. 

Here is what worries me. Many of those within the Republican Party are not really paying attention to how Donald Trump has changed since he was in office. And they need to. Because he clearly isn't the same person. He is more radical. He is more bloodthirsty for revenge. And he wants to use the office of president as a convenient "get out of jail free" card for all his legal woes. He has clearly stated that he will take America back by force if he looses. That is not how a democracy works. And we are a democracy. In case any of you have forgotten about what America is about, here is an interesting poster from 1942.

In college, I studied Fine Art. Not only did I need to learn how to create art. I also needed to learn the history of art. I took five art history courses that spanned everything from early cave paintings to modern art. We learned how every time period in history built upon the art that was created before it. This was especially evident when studying Greek and Roman art. The Roman's may have invented cement, but they were not particularly original when it came to their art. They heavily copied greek art and theology. We learned how artists were used to spread political and religious propaganda. And we spent a lot of time on Germany and how Hitler’s rise to power changed not only art, but the world. 

Guys, the Trump/Vance campaign is a mirror image of what Hitler did to Germany and Europe. Please, just take a moment and think about that. What we are seeing coming from the Republican candidate for President is strikingly similar to the core beliefs of the Nazi party. And that is absolutely horrifying. 

My challenge to you is this, before you vote in this election, educate yourself on the horrors of the holocaust. If you live within driving distance of the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., take your family and spend the day learning about those that lived and died during the holocaust. If you are unable to visit the museum, then visit your local library. There are books and documentaries on the subject. Here are ones that I have read and definitely recommend. 

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

A Thousand Shall Fall by Susie Hazel Mudy

The Rape of Europa: Imagine the World Without our Masterpieces
An excellent documentary. It is also a book, if you like reading better than watching. 

The Freedom Writers Diary
This was also turned into a movie. An excellent story about how teens used writing as a way to tell their stories, change themselves, and impact their world.

Then take a good look at the Trump/Vance campaign. And ask yourself, do I really want to continue to support a political party that has made it clear that they do not support the diversity that makes our country great? Do I want to continue to support a candidate that is against the ideals of our constitution and the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" that is outlined in our Declaration of Independence? Because guys, what makes America Great is our diversity. We should want a President that views everyone in this country as being part of the solution. Not a reason for division. 

I am a registered Republican. Shocking, I know. I was asked if I wanted to register to vote when I was 18 years old. That was back in 2003. We were a whole different country back then. My friends were going off to war. I was just about to start my senior year in high school. And politics were not what they are today. Choosing between the different parties was more like deciding whether or not to wear mismatched socks. It wasn't your identity or religion. It still isn't my identity or religion.

I have never voted for a republican president. Ever. I liked both John McCain and Mitt Romney. But I didn't care for their VP picks. So, I didn't vote for them. Why was that a deal breaker? Harry Truman. Remember that guy, 33rd President of the United States? Vice President for Franklin D. Roosevelt. If you recall, Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office in 1945. Truman by David McCullough is an excellent read. And reminds you why it is so important to like the VP picks of those running for president. Because you might end up with them as President. 

Truman by David McCullough

I plan on voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November. We can agree to disagree about my choice. 

But here is what I want you to remember. 

If God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, chose to give us the gift of choice, even though He knew what the consequences of such an action would be. Can't we, in our imperfect humanity, love our neighbors enough to allow each other to choose how we want to live, who we want to love, and how pursue happiness? 

Just something to think about as we prepare to vote for our future. We are not going back


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