I'm Back!

I forgot my login. Rather embarrassing, I know. 

I'll blame it on motherhood. 

I started this blog back in 2006. Well, not this one exactly, but the login was created in 2006 when I was a student missionary in Pohnpei for 10 months. I think this one was started in 2008. Anyway, I wanted it back. I tried starting a different blog, but it just didn't click. I wanted this one. And so, I spent the last two hours figuring it all out. I even unearthed my old laptop computer to see if I had the login info on it. What mom has two hours to spend figuring out an email from when she was 21? Not many. But I compromised and allowed my kids to devour an entire box of off-brand fruit loops, while watching TV. Total win. 

A lot has been happening the last four years, it's time to catch up! 


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