
A powerful word.

What if . . .
the silenced could speak?
What if . . .
our nation valued the life of all, including the unborn?

You weren't expecting that, were you? We are interesting people. Fed up with police brutality, while turning a blind eye to tragedy happening within clinics across the nation. I'm not writing this to start a debate on pro-life or pro-choice. In my opinion, abortions should be legal, but they should be few and far between. Abortions are not a convenience, you aren't dumping unwanted food into a garbage disposal. Did you know that there are approximately 42 million babies aborted worldwide per year.* 42 million future musicians, doctors, nurses, ambassadors, politicians, artists, activists, teachers, social workers, plumbers, presidents, scientists, etc.—snuffed out because their beginnings were inconvenient to their mothers.  

What if . . .
we allowed their hearts to beat?

What if . . . 
we valued all life. Beginning with that first heart beat.



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